Shielded in Struggles – A Journey of Faith and Divine Protection (November 18, 2023)

A Glimpse into the Shield of Faith

Psalm 28:7 serves as our spiritual compass today. It reads, "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song, I praise him." In the face of our daily struggles, this verse reminds us that we are shielded by the Almighty's love. It emphasizes the comforting reality that no matter the intensity of our struggles, God's protection is unfaltering.

Our theme today, 'Shielded in Struggles', is an invitation to delve deeper into this verse and reflect upon the steadfast protection that God provides us during challenging times. In the subsequent sections, we'll explore God's presence and plan, the role of faith, the healing power of scriptures, and practical steps for spiritual growth. Let's embark on this journey together, fortified by God's word and his unwavering love.

Unfolding God's Ever-Present Shield

As we navigate through life's storms, it's easy to feel alone or overwhelmed. But the reality is, we're never alone. God is our ever-present shield, even in our toughest struggles. The beauty of Psalm 28:7 is how it affirms this very truth. Our God is not a distant entity but a close, personal protector. His presence is like a shield that surrounds us, protecting us from harm and providing us strength to endure.

Let's consider God's plan in relation to our theme, 'Shielded in Struggles.' Our struggles, as hard as they may be, are part of a larger plan. We might not understand why they occur, but we can trust that God uses them to shape us, to make us stronger, and to draw us closer to Him. In the face of our struggles, we can rest assured that we are shielded by His protection. Our struggles don't define us; it's how we respond to them, fortified by our faith in God, that truly matters.

Remember, God's plan for us is always good. He shields us not to keep us from all struggles but to enable us to withstand them with courage and faith. Let's take comfort in knowing that we are always under His watchful care, shielded in our struggles.

The Healing Power of Faith and Scripture

Faith is the cornerstone of our understanding of Psalm 28:7. It is faith that allows us to trust in God's protection, to perceive His shield in our struggles. Faith, in essence, is believing in the unseen, the unproven, the divine. When we place our faith in God, we acknowledge that we don't have to face our struggles alone.

The healing power of scripture is manifest in its ability to comfort, to guide, and to strengthen. In the face of struggles, it reminds us of God's unfaltering love and protection. Scriptures, like Psalm 28:7, serve as a spiritual balm, easing our anxieties and fostering resilience. It speaks directly to our hearts, encouraging us to lean on God's protection, to find joy even in adversity, and to praise Him through our struggles.

Embracing faith and immersing ourselves in scripture equips us with the spiritual armor necessary to withstand life's struggles. Remember, you are shielded, you are loved, and you are never alone. Your faith and God's word are your greatest allies in your battles.

A serene and peaceful landscape symbolizing faith and divine protection

Cultivating Resilience through Reflection and Spiritual Growth

Our journey with the Lord is one of continuous growth and learning. As we navigate our struggles, let's take a moment to reflect on how they have shaped us. How have they tested your faith? How have they drawn you closer to God? These questions aren't meant to dwell on the negatives but to help us recognize God's protection in our lives and the strength we've gained through our struggles.

Here's a spiritual exercise to aid in your reflection. Find a quiet space and take a few deep breaths. As you do, visualize God's shield surrounding you. Picture it as a radiant force field, a symbol of divine protection. Feel its strength and warmth. Hold onto this image as you reflect on Psalm 28:7. Let it serve as a reminder that you are shielded in your struggles, that you are not alone.

Engage with this exercise regularly. You'll find it strengthens your faith, brings you closer to God, and helps you cultivate resilience. Spiritual growth is a journey, one that is enriched by our struggles and our faith in God's protective shield.

Embracing God's Protection in Prayer

Let us bow our heads and hearts in prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank You for being our strength and shield in times of struggles. As we navigate through our challenges, we trust in Your unwavering protection. We acknowledge that our struggles are part of Your divine plan, and they serve to draw us closer to You.

Help us, Lord, to always lean on Your strength and to trust in Your protection. Let Your Word be a source of comfort and guidance for us. May our hearts always leap for joy in Your presence, and may we continuously praise You, even in our struggles.

Grant us the courage to face our struggles, the resilience to endure, and the faith to trust in Your shield of protection. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus, our Savior and Protector.


As we conclude our prayer, let's carry this message in our hearts: We are shielded in our struggles. God's protection surrounds us, and His strength sustains us. Let this truth inspire us, comfort us, and guide us in our daily lives.

Sharing the Shield of Faith

Our journey doesn't end here. The beauty of faith is that it's a shared experience, a collective journey. I encourage you to share your reflections on being 'Shielded in Struggles' with your loved ones. Share the comfort and strength you've found in Psalm 28:7. You never know who might need to hear it.

Take this message to your social media platforms too. Let's create a ripple of faith, hope, and love. Use the hashtag #worshipformiracles as we spread God's word and share our experiences of His divine protection.

Remember, your story could be the shield someone needs in their struggles. Your faith could inspire others to seek God's protection. So, let's engage, share, and spread the healing power of God's word. Let's be a beacon of faith and hope in our communities.