Esther's Elevation: Finding Strength in Bravery [2023-09-09]

Reflecting on Esther's Elevation

"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" – Esther 4:14

Our focus today is on the story of Esther, a woman who rose from obscurity to become a queen. Her elevation was not by chance, but by divine arrangement. The courage and bravery she exhibited in standing up for her people in a time of crisis is a testament to her strength of character.

Just like Esther, we are all placed in our various positions for a purpose. It may not be as clear or dramatic as Esther's, but it is equally important. The question then is, are we brave enough to embrace the challenges that come with our 'elevation'?

This devotional explores the story of Esther, the concept of elevation, and the bravery required in answering God's call.

God's Presence in Esther's Elevation

It's remarkable to witness how God's presence was manifested in Esther's life. Esther was an orphan, raised by her cousin Mordecai, yet she rose to become the queen of a powerful empire. This is not a tale of coincidence, but rather a divine orchestration.

Esther's story is a testament to the truth that God has a unique plan for each one of us. He takes us through different paths, sometimes leading us to unexpected places, for a purpose. Esther's elevation to the royal position was not for her own luxury or comfort, but to fulfill a divine mandate – to save her people.

We see God's hand at work throughout Esther's story, shaping events and circumstances to fulfill His plan. Just as God was with Esther, guiding her steps and giving her the courage to stand for her people, He is with us too. His presence in our lives might not always be as dramatic or as evident, but He is there, working behind the scenes, leading us towards our own elevation.

God's plan for our lives is not always comfortable or easy. It often requires bravery, as in the case of Esther. But we can take comfort in knowing that God's plans are always for our good and His glory. He does not elevate us for our sake alone, but so that we can be a blessing to others.

In the face of challenges and uncertainties, let us remember Esther's story and be encouraged. For just as God was with Esther in her elevation, He is with us in ours. He gives us the strength and courage we need to embrace our calling and make a difference in the world around us.

The Role of Faith and Healing in Esther's Story

Faith is a vital aspect of the story of Esther. Her brave stand was not a result of mere human strength or wisdom, but a manifestation of her deep faith in God. Despite the risk of losing her life, she chose to step forward and stand for her people. She believed that God, who had elevated her to the royal position, would also protect and guide her.

Esther's faith did not waver in the face of adversity. Instead, it gave her the courage to approach the king uninvited – an act that could have led to her death. It's in this act that we witness the healing power of scripture. The word of God not only guides us but also empowers us to face life's most daunting challenges.

The relevance of Esther's story to our lives is profound. We may not be called to save a nation, but we are all called to demonstrate bravery in our faith walk. Like Esther, we must trust in God's plan and believe that He has positioned us for a purpose.

In our elevation, may we remember that it is God who lifts us up. Let us stand firm in our faith, assured that God is with us in every situation. He is our source of strength, our guide, and our protector.

Just as Esther's faith led to the salvation of her people, our faith can bring healing and hope to those around us. So let us bravely embrace our calling, trusting in God's plan and power.

Esther approaching the king

Reflection and Growth: Embracing Your Elevation

Esther's story offers us valuable lessons for our spiritual growth. It prompts us to reflect on our own 'elevation', the positions we hold, and the influence we have. It challenges us to consider how we are using our unique positions for the benefit of others.

Esther could have chosen to remain silent, to enjoy her royal comforts without risking her life. But she chose to use her position to save her people. She chose bravery over comfort, action over silence.

Take a moment to reflect on this: How are you using your 'elevation' to make a difference? Are you using your position, however big or small, to serve others and fulfill God's purpose?

This week, as a practical spiritual exercise, identify one way you can use your position to help others. It could be as simple as offering words of encouragement to a struggling coworker or standing up for someone who is being treated unfairly.

Remember, every act of bravery, every step taken in faith, contributes to our spiritual growth. Just like Esther, you have been positioned for a purpose. Embrace your elevation and bravely step into your calling.

A Prayer for Bravery in Elevation

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank You for the story of Esther, for her bravery and faith in You. We are reminded that just like Esther, You have elevated us for a purpose.

Lord, give us the courage to stand for what is right, to use our positions to serve others, and to fulfill Your purpose. Help us to trust in Your plan, even when it is difficult, even when we do not understand.

We pray for bravery in our elevation. Give us the strength to embrace the challenges that come with our calling. May we always remember that You are with us, guiding our steps, just as You were with Esther.

In the face of adversity, let our faith in You not waver. May we, like Esther, find the courage to step forward, trusting in Your protection and guidance.

Lord, we thank You for the healing power of Your word. As we step into our calling, may Your word guide us, strengthen us, and bring healing to those around us.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus,


Sharing Esther's Elevation: Engage and Reflect

Esther's story is a testament to God's providence and the power of brave faith. As we go about our week, let us keep in mind the lessons we've learned from Esther's elevation.

We encourage you to share your reflections on Esther's story. How has it impacted your understanding of your own 'elevation'? How are you inspired to act bravely in your faith walk? Share your thoughts and experiences on social media using the hashtag #worshipformiracles.

Remember, just as Esther was elevated for a purpose, so are we. Let's bravely step into our calling, trusting in God's plan and power. Let's use our positions to bring healing, hope, and transformation to the world around us.

As you share Esther's story, you're not just spreading a biblical narrative. You're sharing a message of faith, bravery, and divine purpose. So let's engage, reflect, and spread God's word.